
How can you do this? You probably read plenty of self help books, got tired of doing all the routines and for good reason. But the process is largely unconscious and performed on auto pilot. You picked up these behaviours along the way during a lifetime. When you look at your depleted bank account, somehow there seems nothing to look forward to, the long, damp winter days seem even longer and more unbearable. The answer is in using simple quick techniques that don't overwhelm you and get results. What if I told you are allowing mass consciousness to influence your mood? You may think me crazy, but let me explain: Our brains are wired in a way to pick up on everything that goes on around us. For example your body adjusts to fluctuations in temperature automatically. This effortless way of changing any unwanted belief gets you results really fast. The challenge we face is directing this unconscious process to our advantage. You are unaware of  most of the influences in your environment, even though they do have an impact on your emotional and physical well being. When you see your bank account overdrawn for example you panic, get anxious and worry, partly because you have learned to think and act in this way.

Are you feeling tired, fed up and uninspired by your life right now?  Well, you are definitely in the majority. In days you will notice a difference. I hardly need to point out to you how useful this technique could be in your business, or in fact in any situation which requires a different way of thinking. The same happens with situations. This has an immediate energising effect and helps the mind to put the new belief in place faster. The only difference is that with micro EFT you are telling your mind to change, say, a negative belief about money, and reframe it into a positive belief. This is the way we perceive the world around us and our reality. Think of it like taking a dose of medicine three times a day.

 As you can see this filter system of course is a necessity, since our minds are unable to cope with analysing and reacting consciously to 40 million pieces of information at any given time. After the Christmas spending frenzy, the many new year resolutions solemnly proposed, as every year on new year's day have suddenly lost their lustre. You are virtually projecting other people's thinking onto yourself. Only a miniscule 40 of these pieces of information are in our conscious awareness, but we are still reacting at some level to all these influences. 

The computer of your mind has filed away these files for late recall since even before you were born. Your eyes  adjust to light exposure on autopilot. We take in 40 million pieces of information at any given time. Whilst focusing on reframing the old belief you also stimulate three meridian points at the same time. Reality checks are sobering affairs. It takes three weeks to install a new behaviour or thought pattern, but you can do this faster it depends on your personal make up. This means becoming aware when we are automatically reacting to other people's moods and opinions and allow them to influence us to such an extend that it changes our mood and we believe we are the one who is depressed, overburdened, running out of money, running out of time, outdoor light fed up, whatever. It is so simple to learn, takes hardly any time at all and gets you results! Learn micro EFT, why not start with improving poor money beliefs right now? 

 Examples of these automatic processes are countless. Micro EFT is such a technique: It takes only seconds to do and you use it three times per day, morning lunchtime and evening. When you are busy working, your priority is on your job, and so it should be rather then doing countless lengthy exercises in a self help book.We do this by deleting some info, filing it away in different compartments of the brain and reacting automatically to some. So, what can you about this? How can you change this constant, largely subconscious process of continuous automatic projection?  The answer is simple, alas not always that easy to implement: You need to find a way of becoming conscious of your inner world and then change it.

    outdoor light

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